Creative Director: Devin Baker
Leading the overall programming Facebook BHM campaign with partner Bridget Bogee Bland (Social Marketing Manager), accountability and responsibility were at the core of our strategy. Social Media is often used to amplify black pain and trauma, but what if we learned about the brothers and sisters  working to push our people forward, in their communities, in their entirety? We strategized. We briefed. That is exact the challenge I had for my creatives to do through our campaign "Black History Written By".
Our multiplicity cannot be contained by the 28 days of February. My creative team and I had a great opportunity to partner with award winning cinematographer and Director Bradford young to bring this tension to life as well as hero the brilliant people that are writing Black History across Facebook's apps and technologies every day.  We wanted to create an experience to the best of our ability during covid time.
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“Black History is timeless. Each day we are living the stories we have been waiting for.” - Bradford Young
Black History is not one month. Black History is written every day.
The words in this film were shared by people the Black community who are writing Black History across the @facebookapp and @instagram every day. These authors are at the helm of their own narratives, as they live their legacies out loud. Their collective history can’t be contained by the 28 days of February.
BLACK HEALTH = Tradition
In recent years as Negro people are better afforded the opportunities to take care of themselves and experience the sharing of critical history and information. we see an extraordinary activation around eating plant-based and raw foods. there is an expansive network  and history of Negro people returning to our past cultural traditions; sharing herbal remedies, meditation, spiritual practices. These examples embody the creativity and visionary imaginations  of Negro health care workers remembering our connection to our land and one another.

Ashley M. (therapywithash) is writing Black History by progressing free mental health for the Black community. Ashley M. started the Washington Therapy Fund Foundation (@watherapyfund) to help clients and therapists eliminate barriers to Black healing.

“We should have the healthcare system see that we matter and protect us. Providers have to check their biases and understand the problems that are prevalent in our country. Because right now they are blind to it, and so they don't recognize our voice.”

"Portrait of Na’imah” by @callmesabla & @sabrinaacurry

Na’imah D. (@nomadyogidoula) is writing Black History as a doula every day. Black women disproportionately face complications during pregnancy and childbirth and doulas are invaluable leaders in the Black Health Matters movement. For over 16 years, Na’imah D.’s role as a doula has been critical in providing mothers with physical and emotional comfort, support and guidance in birthing.

“When you talk about boys being vulnerable and girls feeling empowered, it starts then, like that very moment. You build different parents. You build different men. You build different babies.”

Black girl magic = social harmonics
We are layered within the cosmic earthly bound discussions about who we are and how we came to be. We wanted to communicate the social harmonics between Black women _midwives and Doulas engaging in subversive discourse. Black mothers are creating their own language of healthcare online. We want to demystify the mythology of #BlackGirlMagic by normalizing access to collective care. Black people are using our conversations online to protect our children and to nurture the tender discovery of our joy. Black Women use interpersonal affirmations as gestures of sisterhood. Black women have always harnessed creativity and the presence of wise patience.

"Portraits by"  @callmesabla & @sabrinaacurry

As the co-founders of froSkate (@froskate), Karlie T. and Lauren B. are writing Black History in the streets of Chicago through their skate collective.

“Skateboarding is typically a very white male-dominated space,” explains Karlie T. “So when they see this Black girl on a skateboard flying past them, it’s shocking. There’s power in that.”

"Portraits by"  @callmesabla & @sabrinaacurry

As the youngest photographer to ever shoot the cover of British Vogue, 21-year-old Kennedi C. (@internetbby) has already made Black History—and she continues to shape it every day. Kennedi C. defines Black Girl Magic through her portraits as she aims to reinvent notions of creativity and confidence in the realm of Blackness.

"Portraits by"  @callmesabla & @sabrinaacurry

Stella S. (@stellasafari) is writing Black History into every design of her clothing line, Zapenda (@zapendashop). From Congo to Detroit, Stella S. proves that Black Girl Magic defies geography by drawing inspiration from the people and places around her.

“We are a continuation of our ancestors, their ideals, their actual DNA,” says Stella S. “I think everyone’s story is history.”

"Portraits by"  @callmesabla & @sabrinaacurry

As the CEO and founder of (@healthyrootsdolls), Yelitsa J.C. is writing Black History by bringing curl power to the toy aisle and inspiring the next generation to embrace their Black Girl Magic every day.

“In undergrad, I did research about the impact that toys have on children's self-esteem,” says Yelitsa J.C. She saw a gap in the toy market, and that’s when the idea for Healthy Roots Dolls was born. “I wanted to create a line of dolls that focused on teaching girls to love their natural hair with different skin tones, facial features and hair textures.”

While Black fathers may not have the same sort of rituals as women. There is a burgeoning movement of Black men demonstrating and documenting their vulnerability as fathers as well as their intimate preservation of Black Boy Joy. Black men are organizing on social media to share lessons of fatherhood as well as strategies for survival and care for our children. More importantly, protecting the joy, vulnerability, and innocence of Black boys has been a huge part of this generations representations of masculinity.

"Portraits by"  @callmesabla & @sabrinaacurry

Brian R. Jr (@flyinbrian_2). is writing Black History as he sets out to be the first Black U.S. snowboarder in the Winter Olympics.

Brian R. Jr. shares new tricks and jumps on Instagram daily. He’s setting an example for the next generation by changing the perception of what a snowboarder can be.

"Portraits by"  @callmesabla & @sabrinaacurry

Chef Edouardo J. (@edouardojordan) is writing Black History by honoring the recipes of his ancestors at his two Seattle restaurants, @salareseattle and @junebabyseattle.

Edouardo J. sees his role as more than a chef, he is an educator and historian. “The worst thing we can do is create history without understanding history. That’s the biggest thing that I’m teaching my son,” says Edouardo J. 

“Restaurants are for restoring the soul. I tell the stories of my mom, my grandmother, my uncles and ancestors. It’s appreciating history. Respecting history.”

Kevin M. and Will B. are writing Black History as the classical, hip hop duo behind @blackviolin.

Both Kevin M. and Will B. are classically trained musicians that flipped their craft on its head by integrating hip hop into their music.

“I’m not a classical musician, I’m just an artist,” says Will B. “Our music—Black music—is everything. Every genre is Black music.”

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